Bezembinderslaan 13
3781 DG Voorthuizen
The Netherlands

  • Phone +31 626 3500 59
  • Site www.fufolia.com 
  • Mail Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
  • Driving instructor for truck and car
  • Trainer for advanced chauffeur training
  • Instructor emergency vehicle for police, fire brigade and special arrest teams
  • Registered as educational institution for advanced driving training
  • Certified driving school for advanced driving training
  • The training can be given on your location in your country.  
  • The training is exempt from VAT 

The training takes place in the Netherlands / On request, the training can be given on location, were the training elements are focused and adapted to on the actual work and traffic situation of the chauffeur.